
Tablet weaving- Neckarwestheim

Links about tablet weaving

A short list of important tablet weaving links.

Bonnie Datta's Weaving Page

beautiful woven samples, patterns with hexagonal tablets.

Linda Hendrickson Tablet Weaving and Ply-Split Braiding

, with booklist.

Marijke van Epens beautiful works.

TWIST, meeting point of the international tablet weavers.

Guntram's Tablet Weaving Page from South Afrika with pattern generator and complex knotwork patterns.

Herr Staudigels page with reference to his beautiful book and linklist

Guido Gehlhaars page, the best site in German, beautiful web design, excellent link list

Simas bautuful silver jewelry with tablet woven pieces

Some more of my own examples:

Gallery 1

Gallery 2

Links nach Neckarwestheim:

Gemeinde Neckarwestheim

Schloß Liebenstein

Die Geschichte von Schloß Liebenstein

